Voodoo Dick

There was a man and a women. the man was goimg on vacation and the man didnt want his wife to have sex with another man so he went to a sex shop to buy here a sex toy. So he told the clirk about his situation and asked him if they had any blow-up dolls.

The clirk replied,"Dont get her that they're too life like." So the clirk said but i do have...............oh nevermind.

And the man replied,"No no what is it?? The clirk says,"Its called VooDoo Dick!!!! The man says whats a VooDoo Dick??

The clirk pulls it out and opens the box and says,"VooDoo Dick the door.So the VooDoo Dick starts to hump the door. The man goes ill take it!! So he goes home and says here you go hun. And he says VooDoo Dick her pussy.

Then the VooDoo Dick went over and started humpping her like crazy then the man goes VooDoo Dick back in your box and he leaves. The women almost right after he leaves she says,"VooDoo Dick my pussy. The VooDoo Dick jumps out and starts humpping her again. Almost three hors later she remembers she has an appointment to check for Aids, but she forgets how to get it back in its box.

So she leaves while its still in her pussy and while driving down the road she gets an Orgasim and swirves wildly down the street. Right behind her a cop tells her to stop so she pulls over and she tells the officer that she got an Orgasim cause she had a VooDoo Dick stuck in her pussy. Then the cop replies,"VooDoo Dick my Ass!!!!!"

General, I hope that was a cut and paste buddy..I know that u don't type too fast.

LMAO, just kidding you, that's an old joke, but a goodie.

Hey, did u hear about the two lesbians that walked into a whorehouse and asked for two 15 year old girls?

The mistress replied "I'm sorry ladies, but we don't serve minors to lickers."

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